My baby was finally ready and they told me to push and then some how some way out came this beautiful baby boy! I remember thinking I DID IT! HE’S HERE! There was a rush of emotions as they took him to get cleaned up and checked. I looked around the room and there were people everywhere. Like a dream had appeared from nowhere ready to help baby boy. I remember Patti telling Andrew to go over to him and her telling me that he was fine, his weight and his APGAR scores. At that point I was crying and laughing so much. They handed me him and I lost it. I couldn’t help but weep. Here was this beautiful baby boy who we had prayed over, who grew inside
After the room was quiet. Baby Noah was here and you were ours. I remember Patti leaving and I was just being utterly grateful that we had someone who was on our side. Someone who was able to advocate for us. Someone to remind me of what I wanted from this labor and birth. Someone to help calm my parents, especially my mother, as they waited for SO long. I knew that having Patti there was the best decision not just for me but also for Andrew. We needed someone to guide us through this unknown. To this day we still say how grateful we were because without Patti it would’ve just been the two of us during this whole thing and neither of us knew what to expect, what to do, what to say, the ins and outs of labor were foreign concepts.
She was the guide and the help that I needed for my birth.” – Lauren